18 January 2013


by Ally Condie

REACHED is the third and final installment of the series. I found it satisfying. I guess I can’t end there, but that is really just about it. Ally Condie created a civilization that while is somewhat unbelievable (as to it ever actually happening) is rather feasible (in how it works, and subsequently how it breaks). REACHED shows more of the underbelly of what is going on without giving everything away all at once. In fact even up until the end, she left me in suspense as to a mystery presented in MATCHED.

If any of you have read my post on CROSSED, you will see that I guessed correctly. Not only does Cassia and Ky have perspective chapters, but Xander does as well. From his perspective we learn a little more about the past as he lived it, which wasn’t all what I was expecting. (I like surprises that aren’t unintentional). With Ky, Cassia, and Xander striving for the same cause, we learn more about what the society was planning as well as the rebellion. The Pilot plays an important role and yet I didn’t care about him as much. One of the big issues is still the love triangle, which does work out satisfactory. And the end of the book leaves enough open that I can still imagine what the characters will be doing. I don’t need every little thing tied up into a bow. I like to have happy endings with possibilities, and that is what Ally Condie gave me.

I hope that Ally Condie writes more. I have enjoyed the books I’ve read, including FRESHMAN FOR PRESIDENT, and I like how she still can put a twist into the story that I don’t always see coming, though I am not always the sharpest reader. I don’t know how often I will re-read the entire series, but I know I will probably go back to it over the years and enjoy it again.

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