19 August 2009


My family moved when I was in elementary. I don’t have too many memories from before the move but I remember second grade math. (I know that is something most people try to forget.) The elementary I attended was trying a new approach to math. We were self paced and there were parents that would come in and help us when we needed. That way the children who caught on quickly didn’t get bored and those who needed a little more time could have it. I loved it

When I started at the new school in third grade I was disappointed to learn that I could no longer go at my own pace in math. I was often bored and occasionally was told not to go ahead of the rest of the class. My mother decided that if I was bored that something needed to be done. She learned about a Satellite program for “gifted” children. Ha! I didn’t consider myself gifted but I figured that I didn’t want to be bored. I had to take a lot of tests before I could even take the entrance exam.

The first portion of the entrance exam was a personality test. I knew one other person taking the test and she was really nice. We sat next to each other and when we took the test I figured that her personality was better than mine. So for only that portion of the test I copied her answers. For the rest of the test I was content to answer the questions myself. I don’t think I had a high self esteem as a child either that or I thought really highly of my friend.

Overall the program was a lot of fun and I am glad I did it. I had a lot of opportunities that I wouldn’t have had before. I still don’t consider myself gifted. I just do well in a typical school setting and I have always enjoyed learning.

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