10 November 2010


This is the first year I’m attempting NaNoWriMo. In the couple of years I’ve been writing seriously, I’ve actually completed a novel in a month but we’ll just say I didn’t have a long commute eating up my time. So far I am happy to say I’m a little ahead of schedule and if all else fails, I can write when I’m off work for the Thanksgiving Holiday. I’ve been really lucky in that I have never experienced writer’s block when it comes to novels. (My flash fiction stories are a completely different kettle of fish.) But as I’ve mentioned in an earlier post, my stories never come out how I expect them to. This story is no different.

Nowhere Left
Deep in the future a large city is divided by an old abandoned rail road no one crosses. The north side consists of Tones: people who use music (vibrations) to power their technologies. The south side are Gears: people who use blood (biology) to power things. Someone has crossed the tracks which brings the two sides of the city crashing together. While all this is happening, an assassin is on the loose. The bullets he uses are made from the blood of his target enabling a tracking system that guarantees a perfect kill. (Except I don’t have his motive yet so he hasn’t made any kind of appearance and there is currently no connection between the victims. He’ll be flushed out in the revisions.)

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