28 September 2012

Dark Lord of Derkholm

by Diana Wynne Jones

Diana Wynne Jones is probably better known for HOWL’S MOVING CASTLE, though I don’t know how many people realized that movie is based on a book. Though I love the Howl books, I am a huge fan of some of her lesser known books, especially DARK LORD OF DERKHOLM. There is a sequel, THE YEAR OF THE GRIFFEN, which is also really good, but that is a review for another day. DARK LORD OF DERKHOLM is a fun fantasy novel that is good for all ages.

Derk has been tasked with the job of being a villain. He is a family man with human children as well as griffin children that he created using his magical ability. Now he has to make his house into a lair fit for an evil magician. He and his children also have to provide entertainment to the tourists. A man by the name of Chesney contracts tourists to come for the experience of a lifetime, only those who have to put on the show are not pleased with having their lives disrupted every year and they are going to do something about it. Only Derk and his family are caught in the middle.

DARK LORD OF DERKHOLM has great characters. I love all of the children, human and griffin alike. They are unique and loveable. I love the idea behind the story. I mean it isn’t your typical fantasy novel. There is so much going on that you just don’t get with some other fantasy novels. Though the book is suitable for YA, it has adult characters that aren’t stupid and don’t know what’s going on. If you like this story I recommend the second one, which focuses more on the children.

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