31 March 2010

The Wave

My friends and I thought we were really smart. I was around nine and my friend had a trampoline. It was totally awesome, even though I was terrible at it. I am terrified of heights (or as Tiffany Aching says, “What she was afraid of, although she hadn't realized it up until this point, was depths.”). Jumping on a trampoline, even now, kind of scares me. However, back to the story. We played on the tramp a lot. It was our protection from the lava, it enabled us to fly, and it was our freedom.

While we played on the tramp we realized that there was something unusual when we jumped. There were times when one person would jump and someone who was standing elsewhere on the tramp would feel an ‘aftershock.’ We spent several summer days trying to figure out why. That is how we discovered, THE WAVE.

We had it all figured out. When one person jumped it sent a wave through the top, and would bounce the other person. That was why there were so many accidents dealing with trampolines. What do you think? Smart kids huh?

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