26 May 2010

Appreciating History

First off, the reason why I'm posting late is because we're traveling. 4:30 in the morning is not my best thinking time. Yesterday was rather full with none writing activities, including an awesome Austrian restaurant. So now that I finally have a couple of minutes of free time, I'll sit down and write this but will have to post it when I have an internet access. So complicated.

My older brother really enjoys history (and is good at it). When we were younger I would sometimes come in to the living room and see him watching the old Battlefield documentaries. Hours upon hours of a distinguished voice explaining what the little red and blue arrows were doing on a obscure map. Not something I was interested in at all, except perhaps as a sleep aide.

Once he wrangled my into watching the end of the movie Gettysburg. I must admit watching the reenactment of Joshua Chamberlain ordering his men to “fix bayonets” and charge down the hill was pretty neat. But I didn't GET it. Not really.

I ask forgiveness from my history teachers and brother for my somewhat lax attitude on the subject. History is fascinating.

This last week we had the opportunity to visit Gettysburg. Standing in the trees, listening to our tour guide explain the situation was something completely different. I learned that Chamberlain's grand deeds were only a tiny fraction of the amazing and horrific events that took place over the three days of fighting. From the battle of Culp's hill to Devil's Den and the Slaughter Pen, to Picket's charge; I understand. I wish everyone the opportunity to stand on the fields and see a beautiful place that holds such importance to our nation's survival.

I may say I understand but I know I really don't. I can't even begin to imagine what these brave men, both Union and Confederate, had to go through for what they believed in. There is no way a sheltered person like me can ever truly understand but I can appreciate and respect the sacrifices.

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