04 May 2011

Children in Church

I had a conversation recently with a woman who has three small children. She was worried about bringing her children with her to church because she wasn't sure they would behave. She was worried that other people would "look down" on her and her children. I tried to reassure her, as someone who doesn't have children, that people won't think any less of her or her children if they have a difficult time remaining quiet all the time. I don't know if I convinced her or not.

As someone who has four siblings, young cousins, nieces and nephews, and no children of my own, I have several opinions on children. I didn't realize how opinionated I was until this woman told me of her dilemma. While there are definitely places that aren't suitable for children, especially infants, most people understand if children make noises. (My issue comes when I am sitting in a conference or movie theater and the parent of said screaming child doesn't leave to take care of the child.)

Here is my opinion on children in church. Most people fall into three categories. 1. Those with children: They don't even notice anyone else's screaming child because they are too focused on their own. 2. Those who don't have small children: They look at parents with screaming children in sympathy because they had to live through that already. 3. People like my husband and me: We make faces at the kids when the parents aren't watching and give them origami animals we've made out of the programs.


  1. Great post. I agree with you on how we look at children. I can understand the woman's fear though because there is a fourth type that I think of. They are the ones that judge the person when their kids make noise. Now the problem is that these people are few and far between but it only takes once for the parent to then think everyone is like that. I also agree with your taking kids out when they are screaming there comes a time when they need to be taken out. Last thought on this is that kids don't need lunch and toys and even coloring books during sacrament. It always amazes me at how much people bring for their kids to do during sacrament. We would bring snacks for our kids up until they were about 1 and after that they learned to wait. It is only an hour. Sorry my personal pet peave. Kids can sit still if they are expected to and taught. This does not mean they will be perfect and not make a peep, but only they can be taught which takes effort in the short run but in the long run it saves so much time and energy. Sorry for the soap box. (I figured I'd pay you back :) Great post and I agree completely with what you have said. okay i'm done now seriously.

  2. Thanks for your comment Josh. I don't mind the soapbox. I thought about adding the fourth category because there are people like that. I am glad I'm not the only one that thinks it is ridiculous to have an entire three course meal during church. Hopefully I keep the same opinion when I have my own children. I imagine I will.
