17 July 2011

*Storm Warning

Intro: I enjoy the series, Avatar: The Last Airbender and I wanted to do something with being able to control the elements and all that it entails. I may end up doing more with this idea later, but for now it was just fun to think about.

Javier stood with his back against the wall of the building and looked at the figure rushing through the rain. The man, dressed in a coat, was sopping wet, the cold rain running down slick hair and soaking through the fabric. Javier detested the cold, but a job was a job. He snapped his fingers, a bubble of air pulsating around him, encouraging the rain not to fall on him. Though the air kept him dry, he didn't want to waste the energy to do anything about the cold. He would need that later.

The target continued hurrying down the street, puddles billowing up under every step. The man never looked over his shoulder, though he wouldn't have seen much. Javier walked among shadows. His years of training had perfected the movement and he always put it to good use. He not only walked among the shadows, he was one himself.

He has no reason to look back. In a rainstorm people don't want to spend the time watching where they've been, they only want to get out of the moisture. But that is no excuse to be sloppy, Javier thought, as he continued to slink through the puddles, his feet resting on a cushion of air over the puddles.

No sound, no trace. All of his kills bore his mark. The body found after a heavy rain, a knife behind the ear. Instant kill. Little mess. Evidence gone with the rain. The police called him the Rain Killer. Those who hired him knew his true identity, Storm Wind. He didn't create the storm, but he didn't have to. He used every wind as a storm. The police weren't a threat. A news report the day before said the police would be stepping up their surveillance in the area, but Javier knew between the rain and his wind he didn't have to worry. No one could match his talents, especially in a storm.

The man scurried from the main street, down a dark side street. His footsteps were nearly drowned out by the sound of the water running from the overflowing gutters.

Right on time.

Javier slid the knife from its sheath and felt the cold metal in his palm. He picked up his pace. Halfway down the block, the man fell to the ground, the rain already washing the deed from Javier's hands. When all trace had been cleansed from his flesh, he built the wall of air around himself once more and continued on his way.

"The theory is true," a voice said.

Javier spun on his heel looking at the alley behind him.

"People in rainstorms rarely look behind them." A man in blue stepped forward, gun raised.

Javier threw his knife, pushing it forward with the wind. The officer leaned to the side, the knife sailing past.

"You aren't the only one with talents." The officer snapped and the water at Javier's feet moved against gravity.

Javier pulled more knives from his pockets but none of them flew true.

No. I refuse to be taken out by a second rate copper.

He pulled for his last resort, a small gun hidden in the waist line of his trousers. As he raised it, he already saw smoke rising from the barrel of the officer's gun. He fell, the wind dying around him.


  1. I like this one a lot. I think it is my favorite you definitely need to do more with this. Great Job!

  2. Thanks. I hope to use it in the future. That is the great thing about writing flash fiction, I get to try a lot of things out before trying to write a whole novel.

  3. Well this one should definitely be a novel :)
