04 September 2011

*Man of her Dreams

Intro:I have read quite a few books that have romantic elements where there is a love triangle. I always feel bad for the normal character. This is my attempt of writing a romance.

Nicole traced the back of Paul's hand enjoying the feeling of his skin. The back of his hand was smooth, while the palm was calloused from his work at the woodshop. He always smelled of sawdust and when he had just come from the shop he often left a trail where he walked. The bell rang. She clutched his hand under the table and tried to pay attention to the teacher at the front of the room.

"We have a new exchange student today. Please welcome Bobby Longfellow. He is from Devonshire, England."

"Hello," he said.

Immediately every girl in class sat up a little straighter. Even if Mrs. Miller hadn't introduced him everyone would have known he was English from that one word alone. Paul's hand tightened as she continued to look at the dark haired boy at the front of the class. For the past two months she had seen this boy in her dreams, only there he wasn't human. He was something else, alien, and always asking for her help and was coming for her. Last night he'd said he would be here soon. She stared at him, her heart fluttering at the fact that a man from her dreams was now standing before her.

"Why don't you take a seat next to Nicole and Paul?"

Paul let out a grunt but remained silent because they were the only group with two people. Everyone else had three. Bobby slid onto the third stool, across from Paul and adjacent to Nicole. He smiled and held out his hand. With one more squeeze Paul let go and shook his hand.

"I'm Paul and this is my girlfriend, Nicole."

Bobby raised an eyebrow as he glanced at Nicole who met his gaze. His dark eyes almost seemed to look into her soul.

"It is a pleasure to meet you," Nicole said holding out her hand. "Welcome to Tennessee."

"Thank you. I'm sure I will love it here." He kissed the back of her hand and smiled. Nicole pulled her hand back and set it on her lap. Paul immediately picked it up again and brushed his thumb across the back. She glanced over at him and smiled.

At lunch Nicole sat with her friends and pulled out her home lunch, eating the cookies first. Paul had woodshop now and lunch during the second half.

"Oh, my, gosh. Is he headed this way?"

Nicole looked up from her sandwich and stared at Bobby as he meandered towards their table.

"May I sit with you?"

The girls slid closer together without saying anything. Bobby sat down across from Nicole and smiled at her. She focused on her half-eaten sandwich. Her friends talked and laughed as Bobby told them about his life in England and the differences he'd already seen between the two countries. She hurried out of the lunch room as soon as the bell rang but in her math class Bobby strolled in and sat down next to her. He leaned close to her but the bell rang and he sat up, a frown on his face. Two minutes into class, a piece of paper fell onto her desk. She opened it up, her hands shaking.

"Can I talk with you after school?"

With her heart in her throat she bowed her head.

Paul picked her up from her last class when school ended. He pulled her into an empty hallway and kissed her, brushing his lips against hers. When he pulled back his face was flushed. He'd never kissed her in school before and she smiled giving him a hug.

"Come on, let's head home."

They walked out of the building, hand in hand. Bobby stood under a tree and started towards them. He paused looking at Paul before shaking his head and jogging up.

"I need to talk with you, Nicole." He glanced at Paul. "Alone."

Nicole bit her lip and pulled her hand from Paul. "I'll meet you at the park."

Paul caressed her cheek and his rough skin rasped against her. She smiled and stepped back. Paul jammed his hands in his pockets and walked off. The park was two blocks away on their way home. In the winter they drove the two miles home but in the spring they enjoyed the fresh air.

"Nicole," Bobby stepped forward and reached out for her. She felt his smooth fingers against her cheek where Paul had just touched her. "I need your help. I'm here for you."

"Bobby," she said softly. "I didn't think—"

He moved even closer and she could smell the almost fruity smell wafting from him. It had been the same in her dreams. Every night he stood a little closer. Last night he had leaned in to kiss her but she'd woken up before anything happened. His hand still caressed her cheek.

"My ship is waiting for us. Come with me, help me."

She closed her eyes and placed a hand on his chest. She shoved him back, her face flushed.

"Stay away from me."

Bobby rubbed his chest where she'd pushed him. "You're going to stay with him? Paul? I'm offering you everything you could ask for."

Nicole held up a finger. "You aren't offering me what I am asking for. You are a man from my dreams, not of my dreams. I'm seventeen and don't want to travel the universe. I want to live here, find a man who loves me, and raise a family. If anything, Paul can offer me that. You only offer trouble." She walked past him. Bobby made noises of protest but she didn't even turn around. Paul sat on one of the swings staring at the ground. She watched him for a second and smiled. A carpenter was much more the man of her dreams than an alien could ever be.


  1. I like this one a lot. It reminds me of the list that all girls in yw are encourage to come up with. truly, no one thinks, "What I'd like is a calm, friendly fellow who can make me happy every day." Shouldn't we though. Instead girls dream up these dangerous, exciting characters that never actually exist. It's sad.

  2. I am glad you liked it. I wrote it specifically for the purpose of showing how ridiculous some YA books are. I am kind of tired of reading these young adult books where the character has a significant other. I understand that relationships are an important part of development but I get tired of reading about unrealistic high school romances.
