15 February 2012

Life Changes

When there is a major change in you life, how do you tell your family and friends? Do you call them each individually and explain it? Do you send an email to all of them? I decided that I am going to do it in a more public manner. Blogging about it.

A couple of years ago I think I mentioned that I am never going to go on vacation again. It happened again. I got back from LTUE and learned that my company laid off 15% percent of their employees. I happened to be one of them. The HR rep and my manager I think were more stressed about it than I was. I am sure I am still in shock about the whole thing. They actually had freelance forms for me all ready to fill out. I am once again unemployed. I am glad that I no longer have an hour commute, but that means I won't get to listen to as many audio books.

One of the reasons that I am coping with this so well is because of the keynote address at LTUE. Either that or this being the third time this has happened since I've been married makes me a an old hat at this. I am actually going to use this time to submit to more places. This may be the kick in the pants that I was needing. We shall see.


  1. I'm sorry to hear this. I know you will take advantage of it though and that you will probably get your best seller out there. You have an awesome perspective and attitude keep it up :)

    1. Thanks for the optimism. I think should be more stressed out but at the moment I am enjoying the time off.

  2. Sorry about that E. It's not exactly a great follow up to the wonderful LTUE weekend. Though, at least you got some great writing ideas and advice just before it happened. Now you get to put them to use! If you need for anything, let us know! Luvs.

    1. Thanks. I already have a freelance assignment from them and my severance check is coming Friday. I am feeling pretty good about it. Ask me again in a couple of weeks and I may feel different. Thanks for the support.
