29 February 2012

Appropriate Compliments

Happy Birthday, Fredrick. For those of you who do not know what I am talking about I recommend you watch THE PIRATES OF PENZANCE by Gilbert and Sullivan. It was really difficult to come up with something to talk about today. I mean I keep thinking that since I've been doing this for two and a half years it would get easier. Not true. I still feel like my life is boring.

I play the piano and there have been several times when I've played for my church. While I have plenty of time to practice when it comes to the piano solos, there were times that the songs were sprung on me when I sat down to play prelude. I always did the best I could but when needed I only played the melody. Though I don't like struggling through the pieces I came to accept the fact that I was not a master at sight reading. What bothered me is after I screwed up the song people would approach me and say "You did a wonderful job." I often laughed and replied "Not really, but thank you."

Is is so wrong to ask people not to praise a job poorly done but rather the effort. I wouldn't mind it if they came up and said, "Thank you for playing." That is a true statement I can agree with but when people tell me that I play amazingly I get irked. I am not offended if they don't say I did a great job. I understand. I am an adult. I can handle a compliment that is just thanking me for putting forth the effort, especially since I am not disillusion in my ability. This last Sunday I made the comment that I am not a great piano player like someone else. But, I know she puts forth more time practicing. After the meeting she came up and showered me with compliments. Why couldn't she just accept my compliment? I know she is trying to be nice but it gets a little tiresome.


  1. I agree with this. It also seems that when I do my worst at something I get the most compliments it's like they are saying we know you did a poor job but we will be nice and we feel sorry for how horrible you did :)

    1. Yes. That is it exactly. I don't want compliments for something that is obviously bad. I don't mind compliments for effort just don't praise poor work. That is only going to teach me I don't have to try. Okay, not really, but I hate accepting compliments that make me feel like an idiot. Enough of a rant. Time to move on.

  2. It isn't always obviously bad to everyone! Some people truly do believe that the person played well or did something well. Some people might not know any better. Other people might actually wish they could do half as well as you did.
    And some times we discredit our talents, not everyone can play through a piece of music they've never seen before. Even some really good pianists can't. Sight reading is a great talent.

    1. A compliment, is a compliment. (Except the sarcastic ones, but you can tell when they aren't being sincere.)
