01 June 2011

Continual Excitement

Last week my husband and I were in New York City. This was probably evident by the lousy posts. We had never been to NYC before and I had wanted to go since I was in high school. We purchased the airplane tickets back in February and found an inexpensive sublet and methodically planned what we wanted to see while we were there. We both have lived in relatively small towns for the majority of our lives and while we have both visited large cities, none were quite as impressive as NYC.

We ran around NYC taking in all of the sites and in general feeling overwhelmed with the people, noise, smell, and activities. Going from a city where the majority of the restaurants close at 10 we were stunned by Times Square. We walked around the city amazed that it never stopped. Granted where we were staying grew quieter but still at one a clock in the morning we could hear the sirens and noises of the city. We went to the museums, saw performances, toured the Statue of Liberty and Ellis Island, ate exotic food, and in a week only rode in an automobile to and from the airport.

After eight days, we were more than happy to return to our mountains and green valley. I will be happy to have evenings when ten things aren't going on at once so I will have an opportunity to read my book. I don't need the continual excitement from the city but I am glad that we went. It was definitely a trip of a lifetime for us.


  1. It sounds so amazing and it is good to hear that you made it back safely.

  2. Thanks. We really enjoyed the trip but are glad to be back home with our wonderful mountains and countryside.
