13 July 2012

The Alliance

By Gerald N. Lund

A lot of people know Gerald N. Lund for his historical novels such as THE WORK AND THE GLORY. THE ALLIANCE is not like his historical books. It is actually a science fiction novel that he wrote back in the 1980s. It doesn't have much in the way of religious characters but rather involves some ethical and moral ideas. If people could do no wrong would it be a perfect society?

The story takes place after a world wide disaster. Only a few pockets of people survived and they are pretty much living in isolation with limited technology. One of these societies is attacked and their people taken hostage. They are brought to Four Cities. In Four Cities people live the perfect lives. They can do no wrong. There is no crime. It isn't that the police force is amazing, it is that the people have no desire to do wrong. The main character is Eric. He is from the small town and the ideal society doesn't seem so perfect to him. The reason why the society can claim perfection is because of the implants. The citizens receive implants at the base of their skull as well as a wristwatch. If they remove the implant the watch kills them. If they remove the watch, the implant kills them. The implants will keep people from even thinking about doing wrong. Eric wants nothing to do with it, and will stop at nothing to free his family and friends.

I read THE ALLIANCE in Jr. High on a plane ride to my aunt and uncle's in Arizona. I remember I stayed up way too late finishing it because I wanted to know what happened. This book presents a lot of ideas about what makes people free and the importance of people making their own choices. There is good action as well as witty dialog. The characters are endearing and there are parts when you just want to cheer. Though it is science fiction it is more of a study of morality and agency.

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